By Nauman Navaid, Director of NPI Engineering


Velocity can be defined as ‘rapidity of motion or operation; swiftness; speed,’ and while our Velocity NPI (or VNPI) does focus on speed, its true meaning is all about the customer.


With Hyve’s focus on customer happiness, it’s not surprise we have invested in a dedicated NPI team and facility. The team is trained to be agile, dynamic and to be prepared for on-demand changes. We pride ourselves on accountability, which is enforced throughout the entire process.


VNPI at Hyve consolidates internal processes to streamlines product innovation and facilitates efficient production readiness which in turn correlates to bettering product quality, cycle time, and on-time shipment.

Since NPI requires a substantial investment of time and resources, careful planning goes into each step to ensure the best result.


Our VNPI process streamlines business groups between hardware and software functions which helps ensure validation within the production process as logistics are a vital component for fulfilling SLAs and exceeding customer expectations. Due to a variety of teams involved during this process, we take some of the following into consideration during the product ideation phase: outlining our customer’s requests, NUD components, additional equipment or infrastructure for testing. Projects are evaluated with respect to manufacturability, testability, and components.


1. Product ideation

2. Process and product development

3. Process and product validation

4. Release for manufacturing

5. Review for mass production

6. Post project analysis (PPA)


Our VNPI process also involves the proto/pre-pilot and pilot testing of hardware, firmware, software and manufacturing build and test process. Cross-functional teams must agree on product outcomes which start with checklists from NPI to manufacturing production. These checklists assess the specifications, compliance, infrastructure, build readiness, test readiness, production readiness, training and knowledge transfer.


As we serve the largest customers in the world, we value early engagement with customers and vendors, as well as internal cross-functional teams, to ensure a smooth, but swift, NPI process. Technology discussions between internal business groups are valued as it helps solidify a solid foundation for product success. Cross-functional efforts during the product ideation phase mitigate risks and a dedicated NPI team, facility, and infrastructure are a basis to execute projects in a fast-paced environment. Customer satisfaction is gauged through customer success. With a focus on product innovation, Hyve’s dynamic VNPI team is agile and prepared for on-demand changes.